Current Players

Augusta Co-Ed Sports League

On this page, you will find links to team related resources, scheduling, registration information, sponsor information, etc. 

If you’re new to Wasted Potential… WELCOME!

If you haven’t already done so, please join our Facebook Group where 99.9% of WP communication happen. Our team also has an official team Facebook Page that is more public facing that helps keep sponsors happy, as well as helps us recruit new players. So, please take a second and give that page a follow as well. 

Each week, there will be an event/poll published where you will be expected to let me know if you’ll be able to make the game that week or not. Ideally, I would like for everyone to participate in this poll by Thursday morning so that I can make roster adjustments later that afternoon before the game without having to hunt people down. 

Games take place as various locations throughout Augusta, so be sure to check the event page and double check the field location (and time) for that week. Most weeks, we play at 6:30 PM or 7:30 PM. However, on occasion, we might have a 8:30 PM game thrown into the mix. 

The average cost to play is $35/season + $12 for a jersey (for new players). Jerseys only have to be purchased once unless you need a new one or want an extra. There are also opportunities each season to order Wasted Potential swag if you would like (hoodies, t-shirts, koozies, hats, long sleeve shirts, performance shirts, etc.)

Most teams pay an average of $60 each season to play. However, thanks to our sponsors each season, our team’s registration fees are significantly reduced. So, to thank our sponsors, please go give their social media accounts a follow/like.

This season, we are sponsored by Peach Jack Apparel. They are a family-owned and dog-inspired apparel company based in Augusta, GA. Take a second and visit their website at Use code “WASTEDPOTENTIAL” at checkout for 15% off your order.